
June 25, 2011

Strawberry Balsamic Jam w/Lemon Thyme

The other day I was able to get a flat of fresh local strawberries. My boyfriends dad told me they are there several times a week. When I got there they were just loading up the tables. They had two kinds of berries.....Puget sound and Hood river. Since I was making jam I asked about which would be better. Apparently the Hood river makes a too sweet jam, who would think that? They are best for eating fresh. So  I bought the other. That photo is the berries hulled and ready for jam.
Strawberry Balsamic Jam w/Lemon Thyme Makes 12 half pts.

8c. of ripe strawberries
1/4c. balsamic vinegar
1/3c. water
6 tb. of low sugar pectin
2c. organic sugar
1 tb. of fresh chopped lemon thyme leaves only

Wash and hull strawberries. Roughly chop in food processor 7c. of berries and put in a lg. pot. Leave last cup of berries whole and toss in pot too. This is so there is a variety of texture. I like pieces of berries in mine. If you don't, then chop it all. 
Add balsamic vinegar and water. Turn heat to high. Stir in pectin and bring to a hard boil. A hard boil is one you cannot stir down. Watch carefully and keep stirring so berries don't burn. 
When you have reached the hard boil stage, add the sugar and bring to a boil once again. Let boil for 1min.
 Add lemon thyme and remove from heat. Water bath can for 10 min.

I wash all my jars and put the lids in a pot of boiling water. To keep jars warm while making jam, I heat my oven to 200 degrees. Jars get put on sheet pans and put in oven. You want warm jars with hot food or the jars may break. When all is ready fill jars to within a half in. of rim. Wipe edges well to get a good seal and top with lids. Put in water bath canner.

Water should be boiling, start timing from point of boil, 10 min. Shut heat off and let jars sit in canner 5min. This helps create a good seal. Remove and let cool.

*I often use my jams to add to my morning yogurt. I did it this morning with this jam and its awesome. It tastes like I put fresh berries in it. I purposely keep my jams low sugar when I can, to use like this.

Also I only added 1tb. of fresh lemon thyme leaves. I didn't want to overwhelm it with too much. However next time I think I will double it because lemon thyme is more mellow and I can barely detect it in this jam.

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