
January 13, 2010

I finally found a house.

Well I've finally landed in a new home. I finally got to Oregon. I love this house but now comes the fun part......unpacking.......yuck. I did find my pots but a week later, I still can't find my dishes! So we are eating off paper plates till then. As you can see my house is up on a hill. I have a half acre of land......and its all hill and ravine lol.

But I am already mentally planning my herb and veggie gardens. So until I get a bit more settled, there wont be any recipes. But I'm itching to cook and try out new things in my big new kitchen so stick around. As soon as I get it together a bit more, Ill be back!!

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I like your new place and I hope you will be very pleased with it. Are you in or near Portland? My sister lives there.
